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Easy Reception Seating Planning

We are pleased to offer a wonderful resource to help our wedding couples with the planning process. All Seated is a free collaborative service that allows you to utilize the schematics from the venue to create layouts and custom seating arrangements. This helps you save time and plan with ease. Even if you are planning an event at another location, we encourage you to look into this tool. Find out the dimensions for the space you will be utilizing and you can create your own layout.

Why Use All Seated?

We have seen a lot of events try to scribble out on paper how they would like their tables, chairs, decor without taking into consideration the dimensions...just trying to eye it. This can cause a lot of stress on the day of your event. All Seated has every size of table you could imagine so you can plan ahead.

How to Use All Seated...

Simply go to and sign up! It's free and easy.

Create Your Event:

  • Once signed up, add your event. You will then be on the main page.

  • Add Heritage Farm Events as your venue. Click on "add venue" and do a search for "Heritage Farm Events". You won't need to share the event with us in order to access our schematics.

  • Add other vendors or family/friends to help you plan!

Create a layout:

  • To start laying out your event, click "seating" on the top bar.

  • Floorplan- click "New" and then select the space: either the "Tent 40 x 80" or "The Welcome Barn". Once selected, you will be directed to our schematics. These are all to-scale and a great resource! Name your floor plan (ex: reception layout). and you're ready to roll! You can setup your ceremony and reception with the available schematics.

Adding Tables:

  • To begin adding tables, click on "layout".

  • There are many choices here. So you won't get overwhelmed go through and star the table sizes you will be utilizing. Our round tables are 60" (5') and our banquets are 6' long. This enables you to designate you "view" as "my objects" leaving you with only the tables you had starred.

  • Click on the "settings" (tool icon) to set your spacing between tables.

  • Tables should be at least 2 feet from each other when planning indoors, 3 feet would be ideal, and at least 4 feet when planning outdoors.

  • Keep in mind the chairs are pushed in on these layouts. When your guests are seated they will be pushed out anywhere from 1-2 feet.

Added benefits include:

  • Keeping track of rsvp's and creating a seating chart with each guests name

  • Numbering the tables for organization

  • Adding other members of your team, your coordinator, parents, DJ, Caterer, etc.

  • Creating a timeline for your event, and more! =

We hope this resource is extremely helpful to you and takes a little stress away, giving you more energy and time to enjoy the anticipation of your special day!


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